Far and above the decorations was the level of excitement in this little girls heart! She was excited for Christmas, but knew that right after Christmas was going to the Party of the Year for her as well as her BIG #5!
She's been practicing being 5 for a while now...constantly saying that she's almost 5. She's bigger now, she can do things she couldn't do before. Like playing a big sister to her dolly, doing things for herself now, showing how she reach the sink faucet, reach the top of the microwave and helping more in the kitchen.
But nothing was going to compare to today! January 2nd, her party and she was "5" in her heart all weekend long!
Reflecting on the all the excitement |
Finally got her Pinkie Pie to herself for a minute |
Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday |
Thank You Pinkie Pie for being Mariah's friend |
Loving her Pinkie Pie! |
There was face painting, scavenger hunt and even a big parachute game. Mommy and Daddy helped in the game too! But Mommy and Daddy both got their face painted too, that was so funny!
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