I Promise, I literally woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. But, as it turns out, just because you actually sleep on the right side of the bed, doesn't guarantee a great day!
The morning started off as usual, email, coffee, dressed for work and out the door! Somewhere between my bedroom and my computer, there was a short in the universe and what was supposed to be a good day, at the very least, suddenly changed. Facebook wouldn't cooperate, the coffee had grounds in it (I Hate that!), my hair wouldn't style correctly, causing me to be late out the door, which wasn't helped by the woman that was chatting up a storm on her cell phone in the car in front of me, as she decided to stop at a green light I really could have used! OH! and lets talk about the coffee! I stopped to grab a coffee (because I was already late) and got a cup with a defective lid. Yep, stain stick here I come :)
As I happened to find the most far away parking space in the parking garage (because I am trying to walk more), I was deep in thought on my way to my office and didn't realize there was a person behind me, I am sure he got an earful!
So, I am at my desk now, writing this down. I couldn't resist another lesson here. I can say without a doubt, every time I get in this mood and the day seems to defeat me before I even have a say, I can alter the universe with one important task. I write down 5 things that I am Thankful for. Yep, simple as that. The act of stopping to think about nothing but Thankfulness somehow outweighs the bad vibes in the universe and changes the balance of order in the day!
So, here are the 5 things I am THANKFUL for today.
1. I am Thankful for being able to find the humor in lessons of patience. I am pretty sure I really made that person behind me in the garage laugh so hard inside!
2. I am Thankful for simple fixes to life's challenging moments, called the Tide Stain Stick.
3. I am Super Thankful I only live about 7 minutes from work, or there would be some more seriously crazy posts.
4. I am Thankful for the peace and quiet in my office this morning so that I might enjoy this moment.
5. I am Thankful for GOD and his constant teachings, without which I would stop learning and that would be no fun :) Then what would you read?
OK! Now I feel much better. I hope that someday, when Mariah is having a bad day, she will take my "Thankful Advice" and it will turn her day around. Either that or she learns to sleep on the Left Side of the bed so she has an excuse for waking up on the wrong side of the bed :) Watch out Papa, Nana may try this too!
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