Do you remember the song "Purple People Eater" What a strange name to a song and strange lyrics. But it was catchy and you repeated it over and over. To this day, you remember it don't you? If not, watch this video!
Many people live in color! I love that. There is no better expression of yourself than that of color. That being said, why do we fear it when we look at each other? After all, skin is just a color, isn't it? It may make us different, but that is what we strive for every day, isn't it? Too many questions, I know.
Children seldom fear color. They seldom see colors unless it's ones they love. Purple! Yep, Mariah's self proclaimed favorite color. How do I know this? We are learning colors and the first response when you ask her what color something is, yep, PURPLE! In fact, ask her what just about anything is and her response is purple. She is color blind, except for the purple she loves. I think that is awesome to love a color.
I just pray that as time passes and she begins to see all the colors of the rainbow, that she remembers how much she loves them all, especially purple.

I think that seeing life in colors makes perfect sense! In fact, we adopt that already in different things that we say. For instance, "feeling blue" or "Green with envy". We associate colors to our feelings in ways that are too commonplace. Time to stop and think about that.
So let your creative juices flow, let your colors show and never forget to just be yourself, whatever color that is and love everyone as though they are PURPLE! Love you Mariah, just like Purple!
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