As a grand parent, it is not different, but it is even sweeter! I don't know how? I thought about it long and hard, and the only conclusion I come to is the fact that we are getting older and are more appreciative of those milestones and teachings because we have more patience and we don't care anymore who is watching!

Take for example this weekend. The first day of the new year and I found peace and pleasure in playing in my front yard with my grand daughter. We wrote on the drive way in chalk, making designs that I made when I was a kid doodling on my notebook in school. We made a hopscotch board on the driveway and Mariah jumped from square to square feeling like she knew exactly what she was doing. She drove her car and we shot the basketball in the hoop.
Our neighbor was leaving her house and she drove up to the driveway and stopped. Looking at Nana, Papa and Mariah playing and said, "I can't believe how much she has grown! Look at that little cutie." I simply said, "She keeps us young!" I meant it!
At two years old, I am learning more lessons from this little bundle of energy and emotions, than I have learned in years since my son! She literally makes me feel a live again.
We went to the park to snap some photos of her wearing a hat and flower that she was modeling and she was so playful it was hard to keep up with her. She was EVERYWHERE! But, there was nothing more amazing than her sitting in the big girl swing and swinging back and forth! The smile on her face was so big, I just know my smile mirrored hers.

Later that day, her favorite song came on in her favorite show. It was called Jump In, Jump Out. Upon the first musical bar, she was jumping all over and turning around and raising her hands, etc. She smiled and she danced and she pulled me up to dance with her and I did. I know I looked like a complete idiot, but truly, I was feeling alive! I want more, I want to live my life like that, alive!
So, today, the 3rd of January, 2012, I write this blog and raise a hand to make an oath to Live Like No One Is Watching! Don't worry what others think, because if you do, you just may miss feeling ALIVE!
Thank you Mariah, for the wonderful lessons! Nana Loves You!
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