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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Drive, Don't FLY!

First, I have to say to the woman that was behind me this morning on SR9 from Hurricane UT, What the Bleep?  Yep, I said Bleep!

SR9 is a 2 lane road and connects the town of Hurricane to the I-15 Freeway.  I was leaving Hurricane, returning to my office in St. George, when this woman was behind me flashing her lights at me to pull into the outside lane.  Now, I travel this road enough to know that the modest speed limit of 55 is a bit low, but going up the the hill near the jail, it is more than enough for most.  I too can be seen traveling 60 mph like the good ole' days, but I also know that since the jail is right there, inevitably there will be police in the area.

There was a car on the inside lane, that if I pulled in behind him, I would have to brake.  That is exactly what this woman wanted.  She didn't care, she just flashed her lights at me repeatedly.  At first, Road Rage sort of took over, I admit, and I wanted to do anything but accommodate her.  I then thought, well maybe it is an emergency, should I judge?  Nevertheless, I maintained my position and when I came around the top of the bend, there was a police officer coming down the hill, she immediately slowed down and behaved! What????

Just after she was FORCED to slow down by conscience, an RV got in front of me as we headed to the freeway entrance and she was very anxious and tried to get around all of us.  It didn't work, by the way.

I have no idea what her emergency was, but when she hit the freeway, she was gone.  I usually travel 80 mph (yes just a hair fast, I know!), but she was out of there, long before my speedometer could show me 80!

It is drivers like that, who drive with NO patience for WHATEVER reason, that cause the accidents we read about every day...that behavior changes lives and NEVER for the better!

So, when you get behind the wheel, remember that you have a license to DRIVE, not FLY, because I would like to make it home to my family and hug that grand daughter of mine.  YOUR choices can adversely change MY life....please remember that!

This video may be hard to watch, but people need to see it!


soutah said...

Hear, hear! People need to slow down a little and stop forcing others to deal with their carelessness!

Debbh1 said...

Thanks @soutah. Our actions every day have ripple effects, we just don't consider them!

MyShareWon said...

Yes they do need to slow down! My family was the the victim of a speeding driver in 1960. At 102 MPH a car hit my sister's family and my brother-in-law lived in a wheelchair as a quadriplegic for over 40 years. That is a lifetime! Nothing is as important as a human being.

Debbh1 said...

@MyShareWon, I am sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Next to speed is drinking and texting...Anything that takes your full attention away, can take you away! Amen to all you said!

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