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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Living on the Edge!

I found this video on Youtube and I have to say, at first I was stunned. I found myself gasping and holding my hand over my mouth to keep my jaw from hitting the ground. The pure thought that someone would risk their lives to do this was pure insanity! In fact, seeing them flying around in the air, like rag dolls, limp and voulnerable was something that borders madness in my book.

I watched it again, then again and then again! I found myself so intriqued by it, that I just couldn't stop. I then began to wonder, what would that be like? What would being that free be like? I don't have to strap myself to a rope and throw myself off a cliff to feel free. I can just let go of the things in life holding me back! I can wrap a rope around them and throw them off the cliff and let the wind and sky take me to places I have never soared!

If I let go and live on the edge (the edge that I have created for myself), it can free me from the thoughts, feelings and perceptions that bind my mind, body and spirit! Now how to let go?

Practice and forcing yourself to step out of your comfort zone, even if it is just one toe over the line, forward is the ONLY direction. Some day, with little steps, I will be propelling myself forward without the slightest of hesitation. If you think that something isn't working in your life, create momentum by doing something you can not even imagine yourself doing....something bordering madness and either propel yourself forward or step one toe over the line! It is the ingredient missing in the recipe, I promise!

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