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I am a YOUNG Grandma, my name isn't Debbie or Mom anymore, it is Nana!  My granddaughter Mariah was born in 2010 and has changed my life!  I was instantly transported to this strange new world called grand parenting!  I am YOUNG!  I can't be a grand parent, my husband is still HOT! (Don't Laugh). What the heck just happened?

But, the moment I held her for the first time, I was SOLD!  My misunderstood life, my questions of the future, ALL ANSWERED in one little cry!

So, besides my frequent shopper cards at ALL the toy stores and baby clothing department stores, I now have a Brag Book!  It is called an iPad!  I carry my iPad for work (at least I claim!) and the photo file is FULL of my sweet little Mariah.

Turn on my laptop and there she is.  Look me up on facebook, there she is!  She is everywhere I am, so I can keep a watchful eye and carry a smile in my heart!

I love being a Nana.....I am a MODERN version of my Grandmother!