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Monday, March 26, 2012

The Power of "Thank You"

Gratitude is over stated and under practiced! There I said it! In the past I have felt gratitude but never expressed it and never truly felt it. But, now, I embrace gratitude and give thanks every day for feeling gratitude and feel gratitude for even the simplest things in my life. I know, it sounds like I am preaching, but I am not. I am just stating that now instead of just saying it, I truly feel it, which has changed my life.

The same could be said for saying the words "Thank You". They are used often, but seldom with true meaning behind them. As children we are taught to use "please" and "thank you" as ways of being polite. How has that turned out for us? Well, please and thank you never stopped a war, hasn't stopped a crime and hasn't stopped lies. When do they have meaning?

Think about the words "I'm Sorry". Ouch! Those words, when said repeatedly as an excuse to misbehave, are empty words. For these words to have meaning, I feel that there needs to be a gesture and a feeling that accompanies such words, or there is absolutely no point in saying them!

So, as we teach Miss Mariah to use these words, I want her to use them in a way that truly means something. Every time she asks us to do something, give her something or help her with something, she is so precious and politely says "Thank you Nana!" And for now, at age 2, that is about all I can expect of her. But, in the future, I want her to feel gratitude for the world she lives in, even when it seems as though all gratitude is lost on her. It will be the backbone that helps her hold her head high, dream BIG dreams and live a fulfilling life!

Practice Gratitude! Feeling it every day will fill you up inside and when you are full of gratitude, there is no room for the negative feelings.

Have a Grateful Day!

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